
Welcome to Dishang

Fabric Library

resource for buyers globally

Empowering Buyers

Consisting over 3 floors, our Fabric Library showcases the largest range of fabric and trims available within mainland China.

We have an online data base where buyers can search by composition, weight and construction. This also includes a unique design matching algorithm allowing buyers to search by pattern type and shade of fabric.

Revolutionizing Fabric and Trim Sourcing

Explore the World of Fabrics and Trims

We have developed a fabric and trim platform which links more than 4,000 suppliers around the world. It gives manufacturers the ability to raise a PO in one click, providing rapid supply capacity. We also have an offline exhibition hall and stock warehouse with more than 50,000 fabrics and 20,000 accessories.

Biannual Fabric Fairs

Unveiling Innovations and Sustainable Solutions

Fabric Fairs are hosted biannually in March and August. This is an opportunity for suppliers to bring their latest products and sustainable solutions, enabling partners in the industry to discover new fabric and trim innovations.


End to End Solutions, from Design to Delivery.

Trend Forecasting

At Dishang we take time to understand current and emerging trends within the apparel and textile industry, by doing this we can ensure we’re on top of the game at all times.


Whether it's expert advice on fabric choices or creating an entire range from scratch, our dedicated team is primed to provide invaluable assistance throughout the process.


Our garment techs carry out technical and quality control work to ensure the end product always performs to specification.


The Dishang Group works to ensure that all of our production units provide good working conditions and environmental standards. We achieve these objectives by working to agreed standards (based on the ETI base code), supported by regular site inspections and a policy of continuous improvement